Adsorbtek Solutions Inc.

Aluminium Tubes

Aluminum tubes

Montebello has 50 years of tube production experience with dedicated facilities located in the United States and Canada. Our product-specific Laminate and Aluminium plants optimize in creating the highest quality tube. Montebello offers a familiar sales force, flexible run sizes, an in-house graphics department and responsive customer service support. Montebello-Canada employs advanced, high-speed offset lithography in up to six colors to fulfill customer needs for vivid and active packaging. Finishes include sophisticated screened shades, deep vibrant colors, a brilliant penalized look, and the sleek metallic finish of clear enamel, unique to aluminum tubes.

Montebello takes pride in being the tube supplier companies choose as their partner of marketing new opportunities. Montebello manufactures aluminium & laminate tubes in both foil and all-plastic materials for pharmaceutical, personal care products, cosmetics, household, industrial and food products.

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  • Internal coatings and liners
  • Crimp sealants
  • Tamper-resistant features and options
  • Cap resins
  • Cap choices and custom design
  • Product Delivery Options
Various angles of laminate tubes
Laminate Tubes

The protective coatings provide high to medium chemical resistance and medium to low chemical resistance for general packaging applications depending upon product characteristics and pH levels. Many products can be packaged in aluminium tubes with versatile, cost-effective internal liners. A broad range of epoxy phenolic liners have proved very adaptable and are preferred by many tube fillers. Our tubes are made from the highest purity of alumina. Aluminium is the world’s highest recycled material. As our customer, your aluminium tube makes a positive commitment to the environment. When the user is finished with our product, the aluminium tube may be recycled.

© Adsorbtek Solutions Inc.