Adsorbtek Solutions Inc.

Silica Gel Column Chromatography

Silica Gel Column Chromatography

Column chromatography is the ideal method of chromatography for purification and separation. It is a technique in which the stationary phase is solid adsorbents like silica gel and activated alumina powder, and the mobile phase is a liquid. The principle of active compound separation depends on the activity of adsorbents and the polarity of the solvent. If the solvent’s polarity is very low and the adsorbent activity is strong and high, the separation of the compound is good. On the other hand, if the solvent’s polarity is very high and the activity of adsorbents is high, it gives poor results of compound separation. It means purification and isolation of compounds are not 100% pure.

The column chromatography process is the oldest and the most common technique for separating complex mixtures packed in a column. Chromatography is a technology by which its components separate a mixture of chemicals between two phases, like stationary phase, which remains fixed in place using two adsorbents such as silica gel and activated alumina. In contrast, the mobile phase is another method that is slowly movable and flows down through the column by either gravitational or external pressure into the column. The Stationary phase may be solid or liquid, and the mobile phase is always in solid-liquid foam using different solvents.

Analytical Chromatography
Preparative Chromatography
Process Chromatography
Gravity Chromatography
The collective term of chromatography may be analytical or preparative. The starting phase of chromatography is analytical chromatography with little silica gel mesh 60-120 using analytical column packaging to analyze how much percentage of the mixture is purified. Analytical chromatography is a simple method of chromatography with faster and cost-effective separation. In analytical chemistry development, techniques for solving chemical subtract use thin-layer plates coated silica gel on the glass plate. This technique becomes a standard analytical tool in pharmaceutical laboratories.
Focus on the latest chromatography technologies such as preparative and process chromatography to optimize the current and standard opportunity to optimize the chromatography process properly. After the preparative process, improve the impurity profile and speed of separation using semi-preparative chromatography.
Process chromatography technology is utilized on a large scale with dynamic binding capacity. We are developing large-scale chromatography for improving purity in various biologics such as proteins,  viruses, vitamins, hormones, and antibodies. In process chromatography use stationary phase adsorbents like silica gel and activated alumina are used in bulk quantity. Silica gel 230-400 and 400-800 mesh sizes are used in process chromatography to get more purity of active compounds.
Gravity chromatography is a manual process that requires continuous observation. The  solvent is allowed to move down the column by gravitational force, and the flow rate can be manually controlled. The practical size use of silica gel is 70-230 mesh and 63-210 microns.
Analytical Chromatography
The collective term of chromatography may be analytical or preparative. The starting phase of chromatography is analytical chromatography with little silica gel mesh 60-120 using analytical column packaging to analyze how much percentage of the mixture is purified. Analytical chromatography is a simple method of chromatography with faster and cost-effective separation. In analytical chemistry development, techniques for solving chemical subtract use thin-layer plates coated silica gel on the glass plate. This technique becomes a standard analytical tool in pharmaceutical laboratories.
Preparative Chromatography
Focus on the latest chromatography technologies such as preparative and process chromatography to optimize the current and standard opportunity to optimize the chromatography process properly. After the preparative process, improve the impurity profile and speed of separation using semi-preparative chromatography.
Process Chromatography
Process chromatography technology is utilized on a large scale with dynamic binding capacity. We are developing large-scale chromatography for improving purity in various biologics such as proteins,  viruses, vitamins, hormones, and antibodies. In process chromatography use stationary phase adsorbents like silica gel and activated alumina are used in bulk quantity. Silica gel 230-400 and 400-800 mesh sizes are used in process chromatography to get more purity of active compounds.
Gravity Chromatography
Gravity chromatography is a manual process that requires continuous observation. The  solvent is allowed to move down the column by gravitational force, and the flow rate can be manually controlled. The practical size use of silica gel is 70-230 mesh and 63-210 microns.
Product Application Icon


  • Water-soluble alkaloids
  • Separation of veratridine alkaloids
  • Isolation of pyrrolizidine alkaloids
  • Large scale separation of clavinet alkaloids from Ipomoea muricata
  • Preparative isolation & purification
  • Purification of quaternary ammonium & pyridinium compounds
  • Macrolide antibiotics
  • Ranitidine dimer separation
  • Losartan potassium
  • Large scale high-performance liquid chromatography of enzymes for food applications
  • Purification of peptides
  • Amino acid purification
  • Proteins purification
  • Separation of Resorcinol & Catechol
Silica Gel Column Chromatography

Technical Data Sheet

Parameters Values
Size in Mesh 30-70 60-120 60-200 70-230 100-200 230-400
Unit in miconrs (µm) 210-500 125-250 74-250 63-210 74-149 40-63
Ph (10% aqueous solution) 7±0.5 7±0.5 7±0.5 7±0.5 7±0.5 7±0.5
Assay as SiO2 Min 97% Min 97% 97.98% 97-98.3% 97-98.3% 97-99.5%
Particle Size above + 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
In Between 85% 85% 85% 80% 80% 70%
Below – -10% -10% -10% -15% -15% -25%
Pore Diameter-A 40-55 A 40-60 A 40-60 A 40-60 A 40-60 A 55-60 A
Surface Area [m2/gm] 350-450 350-450 350-450 350-550 350-550 450-650
LOI Loss on Ignition <9.5% <9.0% <8.5% <8.5% <8.5% <8.5%
Moisture Content % <7.00 <6.00 <5.00 <5.00 <6.00 <5.00
Remarks: All the parameters to be customized as per the client requirement.
© Adsorbtek Solutions Inc.